Saturday, August 13, 2016

Well, hello again!

I can't believe it's been a year since I wrote a post! I've been sewing and knitting plenty, but just haven't had time, with two wild little boys, for more than the occasional quickie Facebook post of projects. I've been thinking about trying to post some of the backlog of projects from the past year, but just haven't quite had the push I needed. After suddenly being reminded my Debi of how absent I've been on here, I am working on getting some of these things posted. Now, you'll have to bear with the iPhone photos and the occasional toddler/baby photo bomb and mess, as taking nice pictures just takes too much time and effort these days, but maybe one of these days I'll be able to find the time again. Haha!

Now, without further ado, the first project I'd like to share with you is the completed McCall 3610 that I had cut out a little over a year ago, just before we moved into the new house.

I used a rayon challis that I got from Denver Fabrics, and the drape was perfect for this. The print obscures some of the bodice detailing, but that was alright for a first go around with this pattern (as I was bad and didn't muslin first). The dress came out nearly perfect, however. I graded up one size, and the fit is spot on. I didn't have much chance to wear it before the weather got too warm, as I was still nursing when I finished it and was never without a hungry baby, but I'm really looking forward to wearing this fall. I think it's definitely going to be a go-to dress for me. The sleeves feel SO good, too! I adore bishop sleeves anyway, but in this soft, drapey challis they just feel so light and decadent. I would really love to make this dress again, perhaps in a solid crepe, so that the detailing will really show up. I don't have many cooler weather dresses, so it would fill a wardrobe gap for me as well. 

The self fabric belt is backed in black cotton and finished with hand stitched eyelets and a vintage shell buckle. The buttons I used at the neckline and cuffs are also vintage, and came from a HUGE stash of vintage buttons and things that I was given by a friend of ours. He also gifted me with his aunt's 1947 Singer 66-16, which I've just gotten back from my mechanic and am starting to play around with some. 

I also finally have something that I can wear my Irish lace jabot with! I love it, and am pretty proud of it (as it was my first, and as of this point only attempt at crocheted lace), but I just don't have anything with an appropriate neckline for it. It really looks fabulous with this, though, and I think completes the look perfectly; especially with a little black hat. Maybe I'll finally make the lace cuffs that match the jabot, too. I hope you all have a relaxing weekend!


  1. Nice to see you back. Love your new dress - the fabric is beautiful and the work around the neckline is beautifully done.

  2. The dress is exquisite! Rayon challis is such a lovely fabric choice for this pattern. It's got beautiful drape. And, the print on your fabric is lovely.

  3. Una vuelta a los blogs espectacular con este precioso vestido, mi querida Evie. Sin duda debes hacer los puños a juego con la chorrera porque dará mucho juego al vestido , bienvenida!

    1. Mil gracias, Rosy! Hay que terminar con algunos suéteres primero, pero veremos :)


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