Sunday, March 29, 2015

Knowing when to quit

Ok, so I was working on another summer maternity project for the Vintage Pattern Pledge (and to give myself one more garment for the hot weather, but......things just aren't working out. I have had this 1950s pants/shorts pattern in my stash for a while and have always been intrigued about how they work, since they're designed for wovens and don't feature the gaping hole in front that many of the old skirt patterns have in order to make room for your stomach. I had enough denim left from my overalls to make up the shorts, more as an experiment than anything else. I wasn't ever super invested in having them be wearable, although that would have been a bonus. I got them cut out and mostly sewn up. Then I tried them on.

The front panels that extend out in order to overlap and cover everything up are doing something hella weird. I'm not sure if it's because of stretching not he curved edges or what, but it makes them poke out all crazy, and while shifting the waistband down a couple of inches at the front edges and then tapering the adjustment out to the side seams makes that stop, then it does all kinds of weird stuff to the grain at the top edge, and yadda yadda yadda. After letting them sit around for a couple of weeks trying to decide how to fix them I've decided I'm not going to bother.

My to-do list for the next ten-ish weeks is insane, and I've got PLENTY of other stuff to occupy my time with than trying to make a pair of shorts I'll wear for three weeks fit right. I didn't spend anything on the fabric, it took all of about an hour and a half of work so far. I'm not out anything. Chalk it up to experience.

1950s maternity pants and shorts sewing pattern

I've been working on a knitting project that I'm about 30% finished with (a mohair cardigan from GORGEOUS yarn that came from a local goat farm), and I've got a couple of other things I want to try and get finished this summer, which will require starting pretty soon since my sewing time is about to disappear almost completely. I've still got at least two patterns to get through for the Vintage Pattern Pledge, and I think I may start one of those in the near future. It's non-maternity, but I've used it before and I've got my alteration/fitting notes, so I'm pretty confident I can work on it without being able to fit it on myself as I go.

The brief cold snap we had this week finally broke and I took advantage of the sunny (although chilly) day to spend some time outside getting these puppies thinned and transferred into peat pots. I've still got a while before it's time to put summer crops in the ground, but I've got some cole crops in for the first time right now that I'm pretty excited about. We'll see how they do.

Hope everyone else is getting to enjoy some nice spring weather!


  1. Ciertamente es el patrón de pantalones más raro que he visto hasta ahora, yo los intentaría hacer con tela elástica, aunque es verdad que tiene partes insalvables como la unión de las dos solapas delanteras, donde seguramente hará todo tipo de arrugas según lo vayas abriendo de cintura, no lo veo viable.
    Sin embargo, creo que lo podrías salvar si eliminas ese cierre delantero y lo cambias por un trozo de tela de punto en forma ovalada, para soportar toda la "panza" . Espero haberme explicado, pero si necesitas ayuda, puedes email me. Un beso.

    1. Sí, entiendo perfectamente! Creo que esto sería buena opción para salvarlos, pero no estoy segura que valdría la pena intentarlo. Solo me faltan dos meses más o menos, y en realidad prefiero las faldas como ya sabes ;) Gracias como siempre para tus consejos! Un abrazo.

  2. It's definitely important to know when to quit. It can be a liberating feeling once you have made that decision, and then you know you made the right choice!

    1. Absolutely! I'm getting much more excited about getting started on some post-baby sewing projects for later this year now that I've made a decision about this one.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I always wondered about those too! I have a bunch of vintage maternity patterns with very odd construction that I never actually ended up sewing up, and I do wonder how they actually fit a belly into some of them.

    1. The ones that have the holes and the ties make sense (although you'd really have to have a slip under them for sure) but this thing I just can't figure out for the life of me. The tops? Awesome. The shorts? Not so much.


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