Saturday, April 27, 2013

So Neat and Sweet 1940s Pullover

I'm suffering just a tad bit of project ADD here lately, partially self inflicted and partially out of my control, but I have recently started another knitting project (one that is coming along quite nicely so far). I had started a 1940s knitted turban and frogged that project because I didn't have enough yarn left, so instead of that I made a baby hat from a vintage pattern book that a friend gave me. I don't have any pictures of that, but it turned out really cute. I've also been forced to put work on my 1950s lace sweater on hold for a while since I've yet to work out the mess of yarn that developed in the center of my skein. I got tired of trying to fix it and moved on to something else. During my little knitting break I finished work on the 1940s shirtdress I was working on, and have now cast on another sweater project. My mom knitted a cardigan for me from an early 1950s pattern and had TONS of yarn leftover. She was not the biggest fan of knitting with fingering weight on small needles for such a comparatively large project (she's a prolific sock knitter), and wasn't going to use all of the remaining yarn so I took it and started another sweater myself. The pattern I'm using is one from A Stitch in Time Volume 2

The pattern is originally from the 1940s, and is titled "So Neat and Sweet in her simple v-necked jersey"

Source: A Stitch in Time V2 ®Susan Crawford

I don't have any other sweaters in this style, and I thought it would be nice to have a nice pullover to wear with skirts and trousers for fall and winter. I thought about choosing a cardigan pattern, since they are more conducive to breastfeeding, but I really wanted to do something a little different from what I already have in my wardrobe (which includes numerous cardigans). 

I cast on the back a about a week ago and have finished that and gotten started on the front. The stitch pattern is a very simple one to memorize, which is nice for many reasons, and it's really knitting up very quickly. After having read through two other knitters' projects and notes I decided to go ahead and cast on for the smallest size, allowing a tiny bit of negative ease in the bust, instead of the few inches of positive ease and several inches of ease at the waist. 

I found Tasha's version especially inspiring, and as we're very close in size her notes on sizing, etc were very helpful. She's extremely talented, and I've really loved looking through all of her other projects! This is her version of the pattern. Isn't she adorable?

Image source: By Gum by Golly
I've been feeling pretty tired again the last couple of days, so I've spent quite a bit of time on the couch working on this and I'm excited about how it's turning out. 

It's back to knitting and Netflix for me for the rest of the day it looks like. I need to clean up the house and try and reorganize some things. We just got a new gas range delivered this morning and my kitchen is in complete disarray, along with the living and dining rooms, both of which are full of gifts, bags and paper from my baby shower last weekend. Knitting on the couch is a much more enticing prospect for this chilly, overcast afternoon, though, so knitting it is.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far!


  1. You have done so well! I just finished a scarf, from a vintage pattern, and have started on a beanie. A jumper is well down the track.

    1. Thank you! This pattern has been really satisfying to work with because it's working up so quickly.

  2. Esto va a resultar un suéter muy cómodo y lucido, me gusta mucho el color que elegiste, tan discreto... lo que es un acierto porque seguramente será una prenda más combinable con el resto de tu wardrobe. Muchos besos


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