Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pinstripe trousers

Well, I still haven't taken pictures of the finished wool dress, but I just came upon the pictures of these pants that I made over the summer and never got around to posting. These are another pair of pants made from the ever popular Simplicity 3688. I've used the pattern before for a pair of suit pants (which have recently been passed on to a friend). I've worn these a couple of times. I really like them, and they are very comfortable, but I wish I had added about half or three-quarters of an inch to the crotch length so the waist would sit just a tad higher. I have an ever so slightly higher natural waist, and these don't quite hit me at the smallest point. 

I didn't photograph this, but they also have some bright purple hem tape finishing the inside of the legs. They are very comfortable and great for work. I can't remember what the exact fabric content is, but it's some polyester-rayon-lycra something or other I think. Anyway, because of that they don't need pressing. I'll have to touch up the creases now and again, but that's not much work. It's easy to reset them with the stripes as a guide.

As usual, I hand picked my zipper. I have a zipper foot, but I've just really come to love hand inserting zippers. They just look so much more polished and neat, and it's much easier to work on curves like this hip seam in particular.

Due to the fabric content there is a bit of puckering that happens at the point of the darts that I couldn't eliminate completely no matter what I did to them. They flatten out a bit when on the body, but either way they're not so noticeable as to be distracting. I have a tan fabric with dark brown pinstripes in my stash that is destined for another pair of these. I may go ahead and raise the waistline a teeny bit on those so that they sit where I'd prefer. However, those have gone on the back burner for a while, since I've got some much more time and labor intensive projects in the works right now, but more on those later. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week!


  1. They are just lovely. I also hand pick my zippers. They are faster that way, especially when you have to insert them on the side seam. :)

  2. Fantastic pants. I have never had luck hand picking zips.

  3. Evie!! Acabo de ver tu comentario en mi blog y al entrar en el tuyo me he dado cuenta de que me he perdido muchos de tus proyectos, caray, estoy tan abrumada... la última vez estabas celebrando la boda de tu primo-a y después de encontrarte de nuevo me acabo de dar un enorme atracón de posts tuyos, a partir de ahora no pienso dejar de husmear en tu blog . Es increíble todo lo que has hecho!!!

  4. So glad I found your blog! I love, love, love looking back through all the awesome stuff you've made! I love it and kinda hate it at the same time because you don't have patterns for everything so I can't duplicate! But I love your style, fabric choices, vintage sewing. Good stuff!

  5. also, I just gave you the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. :) http://theprettypickle.blogspot.com/2012/12/very-inspiring-blogger-award.html

    1. Thank you so much, Sara! I have a couple of projects to hopefully get posts up about soon, and I will include this award in with them!


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