Sunday, June 12, 2011

Because there are just too many pictures for one post...

I have to break this up a bit, because otherwise it would just be too much for a single post.

We took a day trip to an Emberá village. This was easily one of my favorite trips. We took dugout canoes down the Chagres River, then went on a short hike (I ended up hiking barefoot) to a waterfall where we went for a quick swim. After that it was back in the canoes and further down the river to the village.

This was our lunch at the village (along with a buffet of fresh tropical fruit); fried tilapia with patacones served in a banana leaf with hibiscus garnish. This was without a doubt the best fish I have ever tasted in my life, and was one of the two best tasting meals I think I've ever eaten.

We all went to a salsa club one night.

We spent a few days at the Decameron Beach Resort. I took a little Thomas Hardy to the beach with me this day. 

The last official weekend of the trip a few of us went to San Blas in the Kuna Yala comarca/reservation. We took a boat from our island hotel to Isla Perro on our first day there...

This is the view from the side of our deck.

The boys finally managed to get these hammocks up, although they still weren't the best arranged hammocks any of us had ever seen. Comfy enough though.

The morning of the 31st I went to the airport with everyone else and got my ticket changed so I could stay an extra week. Wednesday I went with a couple of friends who stayed on a few days to Panamá Viejo, the ruins of the old city.

This church was really neat.

Thursday we took the ferry out to Taboga to go to the beach. We spent most of the day there. It's a really beautiful island, but we all got really sunburned.

Eating vanilla ice cream pops.

One of my hosts, Victor, eating raspaos on the patio (they're like snow cones).

J.J. - cutest three year old in the world. He lives next door.
 Victor gave me this hat the night before I left. I have never worn baseball caps, but I love this one and I think it actually looks pretty cute. I've carried it with me since I got back, and will definitely be sporting it often this summer. I will wear mi gorra panameña proudly.

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