Friday, December 3, 2010

Blue Wool Dress

First of all I want to thank you all for your sweet compliments. I had a lot of fun working on this dress and and am very happy with it, and it makes me happy to know that other people like it so much as well. Several of you have been asking about the pattern for this dress. I did use a pattern as a base, but altered it quite a bit to suit my design. It's an original 1950s Butterick pattern that I found several years ago. There's no date on it, but I'm guessing it's probably early '50s. If anyone has information to confirm or contradict this I would appreciate it! Anyway, this is the pattern.

This is not a picture of my pattern envelope. Mine is a size 12, but it's Butterick 8476. I eliminated the peplum, widened the neckline 2.25" on either side in the front and altered the back pieces to create the two-piece crossover. I also shortened the hem two inches since I'm a bit on the shorter side. I didn't the first time I used this pattern, and I still like it, but it could have been shortened just a bit. I also fully lined the dress. Several of you have also asked about the sleeves. They are comfortable and, despite the weight of the fabric, do not feel bulky. The armhole is cut low enough that the fabric doesn't all bunch directly under the arm. It's a bit more evenly dispersed.

Y para mis hispanohablantes...en cuanto a las mangas, no son incómodas. Me quedan bien, sin fruncirse (no estoy segura si es la palabra correcta), a pesar del peso de la tela. Espero que eso os ayude.

I think that should answer everyone's questions, but if not please let me know and I'll try and help with any more information I can. You can see my finished version here, and some of the progress here. I hope that all of you are having a great week and enjoying these first few days of December!


  1. Hello,
    I think your pattern is from 1958. That's what "Blueprints of Fashion" by Wade Laboissonniere says. And while no source is perfect this is pretty close. ;-)

  2. Great to know. Thank you so much!

  3. Es muy divertido que usted dedique un poco de su post a una hispanoparlante, gracias por pensar en nosotras, la frase está completamente correcta, de todas formas, me imagino que lleva un pequeño rombo de tela en la linea de la sisa, verdad?

  4. No, no hay ningún rombo, sólo la costura de la manga que continúa por el lado del cuerpo.


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