Thursday, March 29, 2012

Infinity Dress

I've been wanting to make myself an infinity dress for a while, and after seeing one online that was a beautiful shade of coral I just couldn't stand it anymore. The dress was out of my budget, so I looked around for some fabric that was a similar color. I found some, and saved myself quite a chunk of change. It's been sitting around for a while now, waiting to be made, and yesterday after suffering yet another massive mental block (I just can't manage to get started on any of these four research papers), I decided to take a brief break for just long enough to make a dress. Not that I don't find analyzing textbook content for books designed to be used for classes of heritage speakers of spanish interesting, or the economic state of Brazil and it's various renewable energy sources for that matter, but I just can't seem to figure out where to start on any of these things. The weather has been absolutely lovely the last few days as well, which doesn't make sitting in front of the computer any more of an appealing prospect. My mental stresses have yielded a very pretty and extremely comfortable new dress though. I will be wearing this a great deal this summer, and still have enough fabric left to make another top or so. Without further ado, here is my new coral infinity dress (with my most recent tie variation. I'm particularly fond of this one I think).

And now back to paper writing....