Monday, October 18, 2010

My first blog award!

I just received my first blog award from Nancy at The Hem M A Blog! Thank you again, Nancy. I appreciate it.

Alright, so here's how this works. The rules are:

1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog along with the name of the person who awarded it along with a link to their blog.

2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have recently discovered.

3. Contact those bloggers and let them know they've been chosen.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to get all the way up to 15. I'd like to spread the love as much as possible, so I'll try to avoid too many repeats.

I'll start with a few and keep working.

1. Debi at My Happy Sewing Place...

2. Lauren at Tea and Crumpets

3.All the lovely ladies at The Dandy Lion

4. Lizzy de Enamorada de la moda vintage!!!

5. My bestie at Whispering Loudly

6. The ever elegant Baroness at Tea With the Vintage Baroness

7. The lovely Syd Divine at The Golden Girl of the West

8. My gals at The Dundee Candy Shop

9. Stefanie Valentine of It's All Make Believe, Isn't It?

10. Katie at Remaking Memories

Well, that's 10 at least. Now I just have to let them all know!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

1940s Fall Fashions

A friend of mine recently gave me this pattern catalog from 1947-1948. It has some really fun things in it, and the drawings provide back views of all the garments as well. I'd love to see if I can find the patterns anywhere, since I have all of the pattern numbers. I have a feeling it might be a little like searching for a needle in a haystack, since it's not one of the standard, big name mail order pattern companies, but I do love some of the designs. I'm working on getting the whole catalog scanned and posted for you all to look through. For now, I have the first six or seven pages done. Which ones are your favorites?

You can see the rest of the pages on my flickr page. I'll have the rest of the catalog uploaded soon.

I also have some 1930s drafting and draping books that I'm working on copying and hopefully scanning to share with you all. That's going to take quite a bit of time, though, so I can't make any promises as to when I'll have it done.